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From The Founder

US FEG began in February of 2019 in New Orleans with five original members, John Gerrets, Tim Lott, Brad Prendergast, Scott Stephenson, and Joe Tumminello. The input from these members has created the model used for running US FEG today. From the beginning it was decided that the members would determine the rules and content chosen for the monthly chapter meetings and the two annual conferences. Rules such as having a nomination process for new members. Also limiting the size of the chapters to promote better discussion among members.  We have grown to a large network of financial professionals in several states in the Gulf Coast region. The feedback received from the members has been extremely positive. If you're interested in joining a chapter or starting your own chapter, please contact me using the following link.


                                                                                                                                Thank you,

                                                                                                                                 Rod Nunez

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